Monday, June 02, 2008

desperate love.

(by MEL-. Hmm i told myself that i wouldn't love again (so many times), but i'm so confused now about this
somebody..i think this poem sounds kinda desperate, thus the title.)

that cannot be it.
oh why won't you believe me
when i say that i love you?

even though the words you utter
hurt me immensely
even though your heart has grown cold
i've always believed in you
even though we're miles apart
i feel as if you're right beside me

there's nothing i can ever do
to convince you
why oh why must you doubt?
i've never believed in love at first sight
but in a world that consists of just me and you,
that has always been the truth.

those memories will never cease to be
a part of me
because i can't imagine what life would be like
without you
it is not a matter of whether i can live without you
but whether i can survive the long, dreary days
of waking up knowing you're not there anymore.

this is it, i have to set off now
to who knows where?
definitely a place without you.
wish you'd understand
that my feelings for you are true

but since you've lost faith in love,
all i can say is goodbye
maybe we'll meet again
and maybe then you'll love me too.

7:14 PM

`____mellisais productions-   Â©2005-2006

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Hear Me Out

(by MEL-. Umm this was inspired by some event today. Hmm, well..I'm
not gonna let myself slip into pessimistic mode. So here's a poem to pour out what's within me. It can also be
a plea from anybody who suffers due to the aftermath of a disaster or some abuse, etc etc.)

Movies tell lies,
as directors try to convince the world
Of sweet fairytales and everlasting bliss
Hurting heartbreaks with immediate release
But after watching
we return to reality

Thinking about the things that make us upset
Hoping to find eternal happiness
But sometimes, we drown in anguish
The pain that takes us away from our naivety
Yes, we're awaken.

But here I am
Trying to hold on
Just to be strong
Not to retaliate
Survive the lashings of everyday
That corner me;

I feel so empty and forlorn
Tears have not threatened to spill
But my heart is a mere vessel
Throbbing and pounding with pain
Eating up what's left of me
And it's all disappearing.

I wish they'd listen
But then again I don't know what I can say to them
Everytime I try to speak
But I know that it's no use
It's no use.

So i'll carry on with this life
Wishing and hoping and dreaming
For everything that I can't have

I keep trying to explain
But the words are stuck at the edge of my tongue
Other words enter my ear
They carve out another piece of my heart
I'm trapped.

What must I do to be understood?
And not be hurt again?
Another phase, another episode filled with dread.

Don't tell me to look in the mirror and reflect
Stop laughing at my quivering hands and feet
Quit repeating those venomous words of yours
And stop, stop, STOP
I cannot be as ugly as you make me out to be.

If I could write you a letter,
I'd tell you how much I'm hurting right now
But then,
you'd just throw it aside
Mortify my pride as you always do..
I'm nothing to you.

That's all I have to say
I'll wail and scream and holler and shout
And expect to be accused for acting like a victim
Who craves for attention and pity
But I'm not your punching bag
That -- I must clarify.
I'm just a HUMAN BEING pleading to be heard..

If I weep,
The rest of the world hears me.
..But you don't.

5:00 PM

`____mellisais productions-   Â©2005-2006

Friday, May 23, 2008


by MEL-. This poem is about some heart-wrenching moments of life. This time, i had inspiration.
I always have it when I'm feeling down in the dumps. =/ Don't know why.

To see another death
Another lost loved one
With twig-like arms spread out
baked by the scorching sun
One stained tear left behind.

To see inside the heart of an abandoned child
Left wandering the desolated streets
As the days go by, the relentless setting of the sun
The grey shadows cover the deadened earth
Another cry is heard
Another plea for love.

To witness the torture of a torn soul
Barely breathing and yet you can't do anything
But watch
And listen
To the haunting screams that find their way
Into the night.

To be betrayed by your own kind
Like a sharp splinter just penetrated your flesh
For a second, you thought your heart stopped
But ultimately,
It burns.

To be left with no choice
Stuck in a dilemma
That you would rather not be caught in
When you save somebody and hurt another
When you're labelled a traitor
When no one understands.

To be all by yourself
A complete mess that no one would ever acknowledge
Feeling so invisible
And the only "visible" moments
occur when everyone kicks you hard
And laughs at your miserable plight.

To try to emphathise with others
When a part of you doesn't
When you see people crying out helplessly
Because they seem to have lost everything
Deep inside, you're so relieved
You're not them.

To be consumed by hatred
Blinded by your own desires
Disturbed by the choices you make
But you do them anyway
Because you want to appease the flame within.

When there is so much pain and loss
When nothing but despair and hurt are felt
When the emotions run so deep
And the trauma haunts you
Because you feel as if you are a victim

When you feel like you can't hold on any longer
When the rest of the world seems to have left you
When you feel as if you're already dead
Even thought you're barely alive.

But the cuts will heal
The tears will dry
As long as we understand
that sadness and pain have to come before
joy and beauty.

The joy of finding solace and letting go
..and the beauty of feeling what's REAL.

11:29 PM

`____mellisais productions-   Â©2005-2006

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

rising from the horizon

was an elephant's bison
clumsy and fiery was he
that he climbed me

thump thump
he went in clumps
of three
and so you'll see

as many shine
through the golden sines
the bison mimed
his favourite rhyme

No longer he felt
like he was about to melt
The elephant dealt
cards of free celts

so yeah. i'm pretty raged right now if you read my blog with this same exact dated post. stupid guidance. stupid schedules.
that's all i have to say. well there's much more i can belt out, but no. exhausting.


2:19 AM

`____mellisais productions-   Â©2005-2006

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Solitary night

by MEL-.

Clock strikes eleven
And you're down to square one
Wishing you could turn back time
But even if you stop the clock
The world won't wait for you.

The stars continue spinning
Way away, in the milkyway
A galaxy so far away

But all you really know
Is that misery loves company
Ain't that the famous adage?

Shun away from the people
Wonder why you're all by yourself
Blinded by this fantasy
You created
The morbid love of yours.

But the night lives on
As your dreams are crushed
By the grave mistake that you made

No, you can't turn back time.

1:00 PM

`____mellisais productions-   Â©2005-2006

Monday, May 19, 2008


by MEL-. A very simplistic poem. One of my most simple poems, yet it has a lot of meaning behind it. ((:

lose it,
cherish it,
indulge in it,
be consumed by it.

feel it swimming through veins
afraid to grasp it
yet it burns inside all the time
Like a young flame
lick it, taste it, feel it smother you into smithereens

It's a 100 % camouflage
Which will always be exposed
A nightmare as well as a fantasy
Embrace it in the heavens
And beneath the sinking earth.

Let it bleed
And open the wound
Let it penetrate
And tear the soul
Let it cleanse
And bring relief eventually

It can grow
Or subside.
Or vanish into a nonentity
It's all up to you

Reach out and touch the guilty
Yes, the guilty, not the innocent
Because pain can wither and become


2:18 PM

`____mellisais productions-   Â©2005-2006

Saturday, May 17, 2008


by MEL-. a gloomy outlook of the world.

hunger strikes
famine is a shadow looming overhead
beyond the golden fields of harvest
dreams turn into a drought

what if?
what if it never happened?
if the seas didn't pour over
and the earth didn't crumble
and press you down?

can the rain cleanse it all?
can the pain just go away
in a matter of years?

what if we are soon to be forgotten?
in this miraculous downpour
the sinners gladly rejoice

to claim the rights they think they deserve
to murder, to hunt down,
to make the innocent suffer

because nothing will ever be enough
face it -
we're drowning in this thunderstorm
a graveyard dug for future generations.

3:05 PM

`____mellisais productions-   Â©2005-2006

this is a place where we compose poems and whatever we want. if you don't like it, DON'T READ IT.

the composers
melissa - elisabeth
mel/lissa - lisais
18 - 18
chij st.j - sphs

mel.isforreal - peachypeachypeach

n/a - whheex

gmail: - n/a


previous compositions
- desperate love.
- Hear Me Out
- Stabbed
- rising from the horizon
- Solitary night
- Pain.
- Rain
- sunny day
- The Ruined Lands
- Il y a une fleur seule

the oddities

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skin layout - rach